Restoration and recovery of Natura 2000 sites
Thetis, collaborated, as a partner of the “Consorzio Venezia Nuova”, for the construction supervisor of several projects described in the Plan of…
Intlet of Lido Malamocco and Chioggia intlet. Automation and Control System. System of Anti-intrusion and video surveillance
Thetis, as a partner of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova (CVN) concessionaire, collaborated for the design and construction supervision of the works…
Pellestrina shoreline. Nourishment restoration intervention
Thetis, collaborated, as a partner of the “Consorzio Venezia Nuova” concessionaire, collaborated for the design and construction supervision of the…
Construction, management and maintenance of the “Mose System” in the northern area of the Venetian Arsenal
Thetis collaborated for the design and construction supervision of the intervention concerning the infrastructure of Tesa 112 which is part of the…
Recovery of the San Felice Fort in Chioggia
Thetis collaborated for the design and construction supervision of the works in relation to the recovery of the San Felice Fort in Chioggia.
Morphological, environmental and hydrodynamic redevelopment restoration in the Northern Lagoon
Thetis collaborated for the design and construction supervisor of the activities concerning the continuation of the morphological restoration of the…
Protection of Piazza San Marco from High water
Thetis has collaborated for the design and supervision of the works for the protection to the Insula of St.Mark’s Square from high water.
Chioggia intlet – Control building, South Shoulder: Civil Engineering Works
Thetis, with the “Consorzio Venezia Nuova” (CVN), has studied technical and architectural solutions aimed at limiting the impacts of the new tidal…
Cantilevered pedestrian cycle track – Cavallino-Treporti Municipality
Through the “Consorzio Venezia Nuova” company, Thetis S.p.A. drew up the final and executive project of the structural and plant engineering part for…
Recovery of the Northern Arsenal Area of Venice
Thetis, since its foundation, has carried out the design and works supervision of the recovery of the Northern Area of the Arsenal, from planning to…
Safeguarding the Insula of St. Mark’s Square
Thetis, through the “Consorzio Venezia Nuova”(CVN) company, designed the “Safeguarding Interventions to the Insula of St.Mark’s Square” from…
Salerno Waterfront
Thetis is engaged in the final design of the protection, redevelopment and enhancement of the coast of the Municipality of Salerno - sub area 1.
Projects Archive
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